Learn how to care for yourself in Time (care yourself)
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care yourself |
Caring is the basic thing that everyone needs and wants in every stage of life. It is caring that keeps alive in most cases. We daily read or listen about care and caring but we live in a society where we are told about the importance of caring for others. From childhood, parents told their children to care about others' needs and happiness.
Caring for others is a responsibility but caring for yourself is obligatory to you. From birth to death care is needed for everyone. In our society especially women and girls are considered caretakers of family members, friends neighbors, and fellows.
First, we have to understand, what is the care and what is the meaning of care?
What is the Meaning of care?
The word Care means "Serious attention is applied to doing something correctly or Avoiding damage or risk OR looks after and provide for the needs of".
And caring for yourself means taking care of yourself and considering yourself important.
To provide comfort and attention to others we often fail to give full attention to ourselves.
Sometimes mostly at a young age, we neglect this word but with the passing of time and age we realize the importance of care but we couldn't do anything after the exact time of care.
Each stage of life needs its proper care but we often connect the word 'care' to two stages of life i.e childhood and old age and considered other stages of life as we do not need any kind of care for ourselves.
Sadly, we ignore the most important caring time during which everyone needs care and attention. Care on exact time will save from many serious diseases and issues of health, money, and safety
For caring you have to be very careful about the following:
Care for your Health
Care of health means you have to be more careful about your physical health. You have to be more physically strong to live a strong and happiest life. Despite all negativity, you have to face it strongly. For having good health you have to do all the mentioned steps:
- Give full attention to yourself
- Take proper diet
- Take eight hours of proper sleep
- Give time to yourself
- Go for a routine checkup
- Do regular exercise
- Give full attention to yourself
This is the most pivotal point which should never be ignored. Self-care should be most important to everyone but it does not mean behave like selfishly. Selfishness is negativity and is the opposite to care for self.
No one could understand you better. What are your needs, wishes, your skin type, tone, style, comfort, satisfaction, mood, and temper all these you know better than anyone
You should care for others but in this care don't forget yourself.
Caring for others is your responsibility but don't neglect yourself in this responsibility.
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Caring for others is your responsibility |
They do all from morning to late at night for their family and in this run, a woman forgets herself and even often doesn't get proper time to sleep and diet and as result, she faces many physical and psychological problems.
And in many times we see many men who considered their selves as Earning machines. They do work from dawn to dusk to earn enough money to give their families a respectable living in this society.
A man plays many roles as a caretaker like a father, a husband, a brother, and a son. In all, he always completely dedicates his life to facilitating and to fill full the wishes, needs, and demands of his family, and again like a sincere woman he also forgets his own needs, wishes, and comfort.
At this stage when a woman and man dedicated their lives to their family here responsibility falls on family members to take care of their supporting men and women but self-care is the best care .In routine life, you should manage time for yourself.
Consider yourself important that is the main thing for care. If you would not consider yourself important you would never be able to care for yourself.
Take eight hours of proper sleep
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take sound sleep |
This next step which comes in care and keeping mind and health in active and good form is sleep.
Sleep is the basic need to keep yourself fresh active, strong, and healthy. It’s not so difficult but most people even don't take proper sleep which is the basic point that leads to many physical and psychological problems.
If a child doesn't take proper sleep the negative signs of lack of sleep will come within a day or two but with the passing of age and time, these signs come in severe form. Now a days late night parties are becoming fashion but this fashion will show its results in growing age. At a young age, the signs of late night sleep appear in the form of dark circles, absent mind, lack of concentration, irritation, discomfort, and distracted mind and these signs or indications become in severe form with age and time.
So don't take it lightly, lack of sleep can lead to many severe health issues.
For sound and deep sleep, nerve rely on sleeping pills. Sleeping pills work as slow poisoning. They make you sleep but don't give you healthy sleep.
For sound sleep just take some oil and massage on your feet smoothly it will work better than sleeping pills. Make it your routine. It would give you healthy and sound sleep whole night and you will feel more active and fresh in the next morning.
- Take proper and healthy diet
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Eat healthy food |
In 'care’ next important step is a proper and healthy diet. Food is the basic need of every living being and proper food is needed to have a good healthy and active mind and body. Human body works exactly like a machine.
A machine works properly only when it is properly oiled same human body works properly only when it has a proper healthy diet. Having just food is not enough to be healthy.
In the present day, healthy and pure food is hard to find. Try to make a small garden in front of your house. If there is no place for the garden then plant some plants in pots.
It would give your house a fresh look and you will feel better to see greenery and along with this, you would get fresh fruits and vegetables in your own home.
- Give time to yourself.
In present days no one has spare time. Everyone is busy in his\her life but during these busy routines, you should manage time for yourself
Give at least an hour to yourself daily. Do your favorite activity during this time. Spend it by reading a book, watching your favorite movie or drama, doing some other activity like talking to your friends, or relatives, writing, go for walk or anything of your interest.
If you are not interested in any activity then you should give time to yourself to make yourself fresh and feel better. In this case, just close your eyes and try to avoid all your negative thinking which makes you disturb and feel free from all other things just think about yourself, motivate yourself, and your happiness and be positive about your coming days.
- Go for a routine check-up
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Go for regular checkup |
To be healthy and to maintain your health you should visit your doctor for a routine checkup. It will save you from all severe diseases and definitely will keep you away from many diseases.
Care for your body
Care of your body is important for good health and a good look. It will increase your confidence and will lead to a happy, healthy, and successful life. In the care of the body following are important steps:
- Care of feet
- Care of skin
- Care of nails
- Care of teeth
- Care of eyes
In nutshell, we can say that self-care is most important for having a good, active, and successful life. If you would not care for yourself on time it will make you depend on others and a time will come when you would be considered a burden. Don’t be a burden don’t be dependent and for this, you have to think now, before time will decide ,you have to decide about your health and future.
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