Be independent

The word 'independent' means free from outside control in any case. From the birth of a child, he depends on others to be cared for but, with the time when the child grows up and becomes a grown man, he can't be more dependent on others. From that time he needs to 'be independent life. In our society, one cannot be considered independent unless or until he earns. He has to earn enough to live an independent life, in previous times, for earning one has to wait to complete his/her study first but now the time has become changed and now even a child can earn a handsome amount of money. There are a lot of ways to earn and be financially independent but for this, hard work, struggle and patience is needed. If you want to be free from the control of others, you must be determined to achieve your goals. Now in 2022 one has not had to wait to complete studies to start earning.

 With the advancement of the internet, mobile phones and computers earning become easier than before. Internet brings a lot of opportunities to get independent life. This is the age where your pocket is your introduction. Your money in your pocket will decide your level of respect in other's eyes. We live in a cruel time where sometimes humanity loses its identity in front of money so, in this crucial time there is a great need to be financial independent.

Here independence means earning enough money to gain your fair level and status in society

But does it mean that to be financially independent one must be educated? The whole population of the world is not educated. Many poor and developing countries not even afford to give even primary education to their nation.

Let's discuss how a person can be financially independent 

Start the discussion with the people from different phases of earning levels.

Respect is the basic right of every individual and this right does not depend on any kind of education. Illiterate persons also have the right to give the same level of respect and protocol as given to an educated person. Still, unfortunately, the world does the opposite to this.

They give respect only to those whose wallet has enough money

There are five basic levels of earning according to physical and mental capabilities.


  1. Uneducated person/illiterate persons
  2. Government Employees
  3. A small-level business /with friends
  4. High-level business
  5. Freelancing                                                                                    
     Uneducated or Illiterate 
Be independent

 Now the question is how can an uneducated person get be independent? High education, the internet, freelancing, mobiles, and laptops are the invention of the 21st Century. Before these inventions, people started different kinds of work to earn and to be independent, like laborers. There are a lot of sources of independency in any profession. Labor earns little but this little is much for them. They do work with honesty and wholeheartedly, that is their true independence. They earn’ not beg. Although a beggar earns more than labor in day but labor has some sort of glory in work and earning while begging has just an insult to everyone and nothing else. Although a beggar earns more than a common worker, his earnings have no respect or value in society. Ethically and morally labor deserves more respect than a highly qualified person. He gives his blood and his sweat to his work and in return gets very little. It is a very sad reality that if they could not earn enough to live a successful life the cruel society treats them as neglected. They earn but are not independent in the real sense.

Now we come to the educated persons' independence.

Government Employees

Government employees are the people who are officially dependent but financially independent. They are bound to the orders of government. Government facilitates them very much. If we talk about vacations or holidays government gives according to the weather or conditions. Government Employees enjoy their leisure period with very handsome salaries compared to laborers who are bound to do their work without taking any break and get very little in return. If labor takes a break it will affect his earnings. He has to live without payment on the day of his break but a government servant is lucky enough in this sense he enjoys a full salary seven of his vacations or holidays or on any other casual leave.

Small-level business (Planning with friends or relatives)

Be independent by planning a small business

There are a lot of people who are neither uneducated nor do they get their government jobs. These should plan the business. Take a decision and start acting on it for this first they have to invest a little bit of time they will get the fruit of their struggle. The idea of a small business is best to be independent because sometimes the same small business converts into a high-level business and makes you a successful businessman.


High-level business

Be independent


High-level business is the stage where only the luckiest reach no matter by starting or developing from a small business, by inheritance or by investing in a large amount of money to establish this level of business, but once you reach to this point means you reached your real independence. This level is the key to financial independence. At this point  you are free from all kind of outside controls. Here you will get special protocol from society. Here you would be able to give financial support to others but along with these this stage demands a lot of responsibilities to maintain the level of business because here you will have a lot of competitors and you have to compete and beat them all with your strategy of confident. Here you have to be careful about your image and your business reputation. That is the point where you have to take care of all the matters which you were neglecting before. This is the position where you are the center of many critics. Some admire, appreciate, and consider you a model, a hero while others see you as a target or a competitor. This is the ideal stage for most the people.



Freelancing is a golden opportunity and a gift from this advancing age. Above all mentioned occupations have some or other way dependency but freelancing has full independence life  in it.

First of all, in this you are free from the control of the outer sides. It’s all up to your will and mood. That when and how you want to do your work. You can do your work even in your bed, where no one can say and order you to stand or sit properly in formal way. In freelancing, you are not bound to a specific place and time. You can enjoy your trips, picnics, travel, events, and much more. Here you have to take your laptop are mobile with you to work. If you are a YouTuber then traveling and picnics and other different events are great opportunities to make videos to upload on your channel. Whatever work you do in freelancing you can enjoy every moment with your family. In simple words we can say that freelancing is a blessing of the 21st century.

It gives a respectable living to thousands of unemployed people who were living a disappointed life before. To avail this golden opportunity you have to just learn one skill and keep your grip on it. That skill will definitely take you on top of success.

These are the ways to Financial Independence, but sometimes just financial independence is not enough to be Independent. Many other factors are also involved in real independence some of them are hare:


Trust yourself 


Consider yourself most important because no one can know you better than you. Don't let anybody underestimate you. Be confident. Be what you are, because you are the best in yourself but it does not mean close your eyes to your negativity. Keep an honest check on your negative points or habits and try to change them.


Trust yourself

Be social

Here being social does not mean that be a part of every gathering. Here it means meet all types of people having different, moods, behavior, perspective, attitude, belief, philosophies, opinions, and viewpoints, just to know how to deal with them in different situations and make a kind of friendship with them but don't depend on them. Be friend but be reserve.


Give time to yourself


Give time to yourself because this is the most important thing to be independent. Take proper care of your physical and mental health. Avoid all negative thoughts. Be independent positively. Take alone a long drive once or twice a week this will help you to feel independent. Don’t ask your friends or relatives to go with you or don’t want their choice to help you in your shopping.


Take your decisions.

Don’t let anybody to interfere in your life .Take your decisions by yourself. Your first decision may be wrong but it does not mean you cannot make good decisions. It is your life and nobody knows better than you so, be confident while taking decisions in your life